If you are placing an order for booklets, it is important to know how we calculate the number of pages to place your order correctly.
All pages are counted when bound, including the cover. The cover (including inside front cover, inside back cover and back cover) counts as 4 pages.
Standard saddle-stitched booklets are produced by folding multiple sheets of paper in half and then stapling in the centre. As an example, one flat 17" x 11" sheet saddle-stitched to an 8.5" x 11" booklet would count as 4 pages. Using the same example, if two 17" x 11" sheets were saddle-stitched, the result would be an 8.5" x 11" booklet with 8 pages.
Saddle-stitched booklets must have a page count that is a multiple of 4. Coil and perfect bound booklets must have a page count that is a multiple of 2.
Page 1 Front cover
Page 2 Inside front cover
Page 3 First "internal" page (right-hand-side)
... internal pages
3rd last page Last "internal" page (left-hand-side)
2nd last page Inside back cover
Last page Back cover
Coil and perfect bound booklets are simpler to calculate as no folding is required β single sheets, with 2 sides or pages per sheet, are bounded together resulting with an even page count. For example, seven 5.5" x 8.5" sheets coil bound on the left-hand side will have a total of 14 pages. Perfect bound booklets are produced by wrapping a four-page cover around single sheets of paper and gluing them at the spine.