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What is the best stock for embossing & debossing?
What is the best stock for embossing & debossing?
Updated over a week ago

Thinner and softer stocks show the detail of an emboss and deboss much better than thicker, rigid stocks. Uncoated stocks also generally hold these details better.

That being said, greater depth of the raised area or impression can be produced with thicker soft stocks, like our 40pt Cotton. Since the thickness will make fine details less visible, designs for emboss and deboss should be more simple, bold and have no fine detail.

Thicker coated stocks will not be as suitable for fine detail or deep impressions, therefore the design for these stocks should be created with this in mind.

The impression of an emboss and deboss will show through on the reverse side. This means that any printed content that is directly behind the emboss or deboss will be affected. To avoid this, we recommend a duplex product where two stocks are mounted together. The side to be embossed or debossed will be produced first and then mounted to the second sheet to hide the impression. Note that a duplex product with emboss will reduce the quality of the impression due to the mounting process, so it is best to work around the emboss and go with a single ply product.

Please note that there are strict design considerations for these projects that one of our Print Specialists or Prepress agents will need to review with you first. You can speak to one by contacting 1.888.667.0067 - selection 4 or 5.

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